This is a public health crisis, so we need to be guided by the science and the public health experts. There is a spirit of mutual support. The community has come together to make sure people have food and the City passed an eviction moratorium. We need to continue to be flexible and generous.

It is also a financial crisis. Many people have lost their jobs and no one knows how long it will take the economy to recover and how well it will recover. There is so much uncertainty. We need to respect the science and open up our economy safely. Please support local businesses.

Fortunately, Mountain View is in a stronger financial situation than some of our neighboring communities. That allows our City to help fund assistance efforts which they have done. I’m proud of that.

How can you shelter-in-place if you don’t have shelter? COVID-19 has made the plight of our homeless population into a public health hazard.

The City website has a compilation of COVID-19 community resources as well as a special page about rent relief resources, including the eviction moratorium.