We need to build more housing for all income levels, ages, families and we need to build smart.
- Since I have been on Council we’ve built 4,000 units of housing including 651 affordable units
- My advocacy for housing helped get Mountain View named a Prohousing City by the State of California
- I support using the Community Land Trust model to buy properties for low and moderate income families to maintain economic diversity
- I support policies intended to mitigate the impact of redevelopment and gentrification
My political efforts have always focused on increasing our housing supply and protecting our environment. Recently, the City of Mountain View has been recognized for our efforts. The State of California named us a Prohousing City, one of only 50 jurisdictions so designated. We also received an “A” grade by the Carbon Disclosure Project which evaluates jurisdictions all over the world for their sustainability efforts. Only 119 worldwide received this “A” grade. My advocacy for housing and sustainability efforts during my years on Council helped make these honors possible.
Mountain View has an extensive affordable housing program. I have been a strong supporter of affordable housing since my days on the Environmental Planning Commission where I helped craft our original Below Market Rate Ordinance which established a fund based on development fees. We now have over 1,700 affordable units in Mountain View and more in the pipeline. I will work to make sure that affordable housing we have zoned for is actually constructed.
In addition to encouraging more affordable units in areas currently zoned for housing, I support the development of mixed-use housing in old commercial strips that are no longer economically viable. Placing housing above street level businesses creates a synergy. These developments are typically along public transit routes.
Our rent control system helps many low-income individuals. The Rental Housing Committee is the body that oversees our rent control program. This Board operates independently of the City Council. I will make sure that the people who are appointed to the Rental Housing Committee are genuinely committed to making our rent stabilization program successful. I voted for a displacement ordinance that provides financial assistance to renters who are being displaced by redevelopment and rental assistance through the Community Services Agency.
In Mountain View, we work with developers on a regular basis to ask that they voluntarily provide community amenities even when the City is not allowed to require them. Many developers are happy to provide some amenities, if only because it improves the value of their investment.
The City needs to make sure that housing is well planned and safely constructed, so that our built environment meets our needs and is built to last. Reelection to City Council will allow me to champion moving projects forward.
We recently gave staff direction to get started on a Community Land Trust, a model program that purchases land to insure permanent affordability. There is an organization in our community called the Mountain View Solidarity Fund (Fondo de Solidaridad de Mountain View) which is interested in using the Community Land Trust model to buy properties for low and moderate income families. We voted to set aside $4 million as seed money.